Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Here it is July, JULY!  I can’t believe it!  Time seems to be passing at light speed and I can’t seem to keep up.  Summer vacation is coming to an end already and the kids head back to school in just 2 weeks….where does the time go?!  Because I can’t keep up, I am constantly needing to reset and re-prioritize my goals.  I have lofty goals when it comes to wanting to “do it all”.  I want to do projects around the house, take the kids on adventures, let them have play dates and sleep-overs.  I want to keep this blog updated, I want to scrapbook their childhood years, I want to play games with them, all while maintaining a clean house, cooking SOME descent meals throughout the week, doing the never ending laundry, doing daily homework and chauffeuring the kids to and from school and their various activities.  With that said, I am finally realizing that I CAN’T do it all, although, that realization doesn’t make me feel any better when things in my life start slacking!  I often feel as if I spend my day doing the things that need to get done just to get through that day.  Things like emptying the dishwasher and doing the dishes, getting a load or two of laundry washed and dried (but certainly not put away), picking up toys, mediating over the boys disagreements and getting dinner on the table (even if it is just Mac-n-cheese) along with a hundred other daily items, but rarely am I able to complete some of the bigger tasks on my list.  Everyday I say, “tomorrow I will do so and so” and then tomorrow comes and goes and it is still not done!  This is exactly what has happened to this Blog….tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow has turned into nearly 6 months.  And so, as I get further and further behind it gets harder and harder to restart!  I love doing the blog, it is a relatively easy way for me to document what is going on in our lives so that the memories don’t get lost forever, however, it is still another task that needs to be done!  I tell myself that I am going to catch up some day, but I can’t!  Rather than abandoning the whole thing, I am going to try and start fresh.  It is not how I like to do things, but I just can’t go back and put in the hundreds of events that have occurred since February along with the thousands of pictures I’ve taken. My goal, which may have to be reset, is to put in a single snapshot from some of the key events over the last 6 months and then going forward try and keep up.  With our busy schedule, I know this will be difficult but it is worth a shot and I guess if I fall behind again then I start fresh again.  I am trying to tell myself that something is better than nothing!  I want my kids to see the pictures and know the stories that go with them.  So, I will plug away at this task and all the others in an effort to “do it all”!

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