Wednesday, October 20, 2010

….and we’re off!

Our vacation started off full of excitement!  The kids were ecstatic to be going on vacation AND not to be going to school!  First up was San Diego.  Our good friend Gina was getting married and it coincided perfectly with the boy’s fall break from school. 

Ryan LOVED the airplane!  He was so excited to check out the sites below, to sip his juice and eat peanuts and he especially enjoyed me reading the emergency card over and over again!  “What’s this?” he would say, pointing to the picture of the airplane crashing into a mountain or in the water. ”Oh, that is just the airplane crashing into the water.  We can’t use the rear exit door in the event of a water landing!”  He was captivated.  He even practiced his crash landing position as pictured on the card! 

San Diego greeted us with gray, drizzly skies, but our moods were not to be dampened!  The boys thought our connecting room with Grandma was awesome and monopolized her TV with endless cartoons, while leaving Jeff and I to hang out in our side of the room kid free.  Unfortunately, the rain and lack of prior planning confined us to our room much of the afternoon. 

The weather improved that evening and Jeff and I were able to go out, kid free, to meet up with some friends and visit with Gina and her husband to be.  We had a fun evening. 


When we arrived back at the hotel we found the boy’s sleeping “comfortably”!  It cracks me up, how Justin sleeps.  He is all over the place all the time.  Poor Travis is a perfectly calm sleeper and had to deal with his brother’s bad habits.  Unfortunately, that is not all he had to deal with….

Just two hours later, Justin was throwing up!  Oh, yeah…good times.  It just wouldn’t be a Carter vacation without someone getting sick!  The stomach bug was rampant at school and although, I hoped and prayed they wouldn’t get it, I knew someone would!  I was told that most kids recovered in 12-24 hours, not Justin!  He threw up on 3 occasions over 3 days, with the highlight being in the car all over himself as we were parking to go into the wedding!  Thank goodness for Grandma!  She saved the day once again and took them all back to the hotel while Jeff and I spent the rest of the day and evening enjoying the beautiful wedding and reception.

So, San Diego didn’t quite go as planned…luckily Justin had periods of time where he was feeling better before he crashed again. The pictures below were  taken at a picnic on Coronado Island hosted by Gina and Jason.


The boys!  Justin looks pretty good for just throwing up a few hours earlier!


Croquet for the boys!



After this, we were off on the next adventure of our trip….Legoland!!

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